Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It is a NICE day out finally!! It went below freezing last night. Can you believe it, this is mid May for goodness sake.
I just got done with my Avon orders of this campaign and all my assignments for the day in school.

I went to an Avon meeting last night and it was fun. My husband went with me. Did I ever mention he sells avon too? Well he does.

GUYS CAN SELL AVON and make really great money at it. Why does that surprise many? I have no idea.
Did you know most of Avons products can be used by men and some men have better results then women? If a man has wrinkles that he does not want, he should try to rid himself of them, but they may not know how. And they dont ask about it or discuss how to get rid of them for fear of not being manly enough. PLEASE that makes NO sense to me anymore. If he has chest pains he would get that taking care of. If his hair was falling out he would buy Rogaine most likely. So why shouldn't a man want to take care of wrinkles and products to protect him from further ones. ( As well as protect his skin from other damge as well that the sun exposure does. MOST Avon skin products have a sunscreen )

At least if he buys and uses Avon products the only person that knows he is using it is his representative. Just a thought.

Well I thought I would share that random thought with you. Why? I dont know , it is just something that came to mind while I started typing this and now I lost the thoughts I was going to write about.
Must be the nice weather rallying up the bats in my head so I can not think.

Well if you have any comments please feel free to leave me some. Have any questions please email me. My contact me info is at my website which is below in the post somewhere.

( I told you this is my first blog and I thank you for baring with me as I download my thoughts for the whole virtual world to see. )

Also I should mention if you would like to order Avon PLEASE go to my website at http://www.youravon.com/scaron . Thanks for reading .

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